
To What Extent do the Best Ads on TV Drive Website Traffic?

Author: andrew

Published: 27th May 2022


Campaign magazine and Thinkbox recently published a list of the best ads on TV of 2022 so far. “A Savills love story” from estate agent Savills, was one of the ads that came out top. The creative features an amusing romcom-style narrative where a woman falls head over heels in love with her perfect home.


While Savills’ ad uses an engaging creative, we at ViewersLogic wanted to answer the million dollar question: was it also effective at driving traffic to the Savills website? We conducted our own study to find out.

Using Single-Source data to map success 

Our study used a *Natural A/B testing methodology based on our own Single-Source data, which is the measurement of TV and other media exposure, purchase behaviour and location data over time for the same individual. This produces an accurate and holistic view of an individuals’ online and offline behaviour. ViewersLogic gathers its passively collected Single-Source data from its panel of 800 consumers, which is the first of its kind in the UK.


In this example, we looked at consumers who were exposed to the Savills TV ad during the campaign period, compared to those that were not and monitored their visits to the Savills website.

Illuminating TV’s ad impact on consumer behaviour

The Savills ad was one of the most effective TV campaigns we’ve seen. It drove a remarkable 482% uplift in website visits, meaning that users who were exposed to the TV ad showed a 482% higher propensity to visit the Savills website compared to non-exposed consumers.


The campaign also had around 50 million impacts, which translates to a 96% uplift per 10 million impacts — phenomenal. To put this into perspective, Purple Bricks’ last TV ad campaign, which was also successful, produced an uplift of only 20% per 10 million impacts.


While we should not assume that all engaging TV ad campaigns deliver the same results, this study clearly shows that Savills’ great creative was not only entertaining but highly effective at driving website traffic.


Marketers cannot determine the true behavioural impact of their TV campaigns without measuring consumers’ habits both online and offline over time. Single-Source data is the first and only solution to allow them to now do this.


*Natural A/B testing

Single-Source data is unique in that it enables Natural A/B testing. This enables us to check hypotheses immediately by comparing a control group with a test group:

Control Group: Individuals who were not exposed to the ad in question during the campaign period or in the 2 weeks prior.

Test Group: Individuals who were exposed to the ad in question during the campaign period but not in the two weeks prior.